
這幾天把教父I II看完了,


Sonny: What do ya think of the nerve of them Japs, them slanty-eyed bastards huh, droppin' bombs on our own backyard on Pop's birthday here?
Fredo: They didn't know it was Pop's birthday...
Tom: We should have expected it after the oil embargo.
Sonny: Whatdya mean, expect it? Expect it or not, they got no right droppin' bombs. What are you, a Jap-lover or somethin'? Are you on their side?
Tessio: I understand thirty thousand men enlisted this morning.
Sonny: Bunch of saps.
Michael: Why are they saps?
Connie: Sonny, come on, we don't have to talk about the war.
Sonny: (To Connie) Hey, beep, you talk to Carlo, right? (To Michael) They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers.
Michael: Oh, that's Pop talking.
Sonny: You're god-damn right that's Pop talking.
Michael: They risk, risk their lives for their country.
Sonny: Country ain't your blood, you remember that.
Michael: I don't feel that way...
Sonny: Well, if you don't feel like that, why don't you just quit college and go to join the Army?
Michael: I did. I enlisted in the Marines.
Tom: Why'd you do that? Why didn't you come to us?..I mean, Pop had to pull a lot of strings to get you a deferment.
Michael: I didn't ask for it. I didn't ask for a deferment. I didn't want it.

The penultimate scene takes place in 1941,
and the Corleone family is preparing a surprise birthday party for Vito.
Sonny introduces Carlo Rizzi, Connie's future husband and betrayer of Sonny, to his family.
They all talk about the recent attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese,
and Michael shocks everybody by announcing that he has just enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.
Sonny ridicules Michael's choice, and Tom Hagen mentions how his father has great expectations for Michael.
Fredo is the only one who supports his brother's decision.
Sal Tessio comes in with the cake for the party, and when Vito arrives,
all but Michael leave to greet him.

Michael is awkwardly left alone in the room (at the table) as the rest of the family assembles in an adjoining room and sings a surprise:
"For he's a jolly good fellow" to the off-screen Don Vito Corleone.
[A rapid, super-imposed dissolve shows his father Vito waving little Michael's hand from the train window as they leave the village of Corleone.]

The film has one of the most effective final images ever produced.

The flashback ends and the image returns to Michael's face.
Middle-aged, prematurely old Michael, now a ruthless, soul-less, power-mad and paranoid gangster in the year 1959,
sits quietly and introspectively on a Tahoe estate lawn chair as the cold winter approaches.
He is once again alone and fully damned, with all family loyalties dissolved.
He is wearing his wedding ring, although he has separated himself for his WASP-ish,
estranged wife Kay. In the disintegrated aftermath, the Machiavellian figure is isolated from everyone and emptied, with dark, brooding, hollow eyes.
His own worst enemy, he has either murdered or alienated himself from those closest to him, including his brother Fredo and faithful consigliere Tom Hagen.
The camera slowly zooms in for a closeup before fading to black and the film's credits.

(He forcefully grabs him on both sides of the face and kisses him - Sicilian style. It is the kiss of death on his lips.)
I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart.



Michael strides through the snow to Mama's house on the Tahoe estate grounds. He passes a snow-covered children's playground. In front of a fireplace, he speaks to his Mama (in Sicilian) about his father's strength, changing times, and the feared loss of his family:

Michael: He was being strong...Strong for his family. But by being strong for his family, could he lose it?
Mama: You're thinking about your wife...about the baby you lost. But you and your wife can always have another baby.
Michael: No, I meant...lose his family.
Mama: But you can never lose your family.
Michael: Times are changing.


Michael: Kay, what do you want from me? Do you expect me to let you go? Do you expect me to let you take my children from me? Don't you know me? Don't you know that that's an impossibility? That that could never happen? That I'd use all my power to keep something like that from happening? Don't you know that? Kay, now in time, you'll feel differently. You'll be glad I stopped you now. I know that. I know you blame me for losing the baby. Yes. I know what that meant to you. I'll make it up to you, Kay. I swear I'll make it up to you. I'm gonna change. I'll change. I've learned that I have the strength to change. Then you'll forget about this miscarriage. And we'll have another child. And we'll go on, you and I. We'll go on.
Kay: Oh! Oh, Michael, Michael, you are blind. It wasn't a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael, just like our marriage is an abortion, something that's unholy and evil! I didn't want your son, Michael. I wouldn't bring another one of your sons into this world! It was an abortion, Michael! It was a son, a son, and I had it killed because this must all end! I know now that it's over. I knew it then. There would be no way, Michael, no way you could ever forgive me. Not with this Sicilian thing that's been going on for two thousand years (Losing control in a violent rage, Michael viciously strikes her and slaps her back onto the couch.) - OH!
Michael: You won't take my children.
Kay: I will.
Michael: (shouting) YOU WON'T TAKE MY CHILDREN!


Michael Corleone Tribute - The Godfather

The Godfather II

The Godfather II Synopsis

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